Compiled by our practicum student, Sydney!


It’s OK that you’re NOT OK – Meagan Devine
Bearing the Unbearable – Joanne Cacciatore
Grief Works – Julia Samuel
The Year of Magical Thinking – Joan Didion
Mourning Has Broken – Erin Davis
When your soulmates dies – Alan D. Wolfelt
The Other side of Sadness – George A. Bonanno
A Grief Observed – C. S. Lewis
Elsewhere – Gabrielle Zevin
The Astonishing Color of After – Emily X.R Pan
Transitions – William Bridges

Click here for a list of Indigenous books on grief
Click here for a list of books on grief for kids


All There Is – Anderson Cooper
Grief Cast – Cariad Lloyd
Grief Outloud – Dougy Center
Grief Unfiltered – Jayme Allis
Grief & Guts – Melissa Dlugolecki
Good Mourning – Sally Douglas and Imogen Carn
Give Grief a Chance – Diane Morgan
The Grief Sofa Podcast – Alice Williams and Lucy Dennis
End of Life University – Dr. Karen Wyatt
What’s Your Grief – Eleanor Haley and Litsa Williams


We don’t “move on” from grief. We move forward with it | Nora McInerny 

The Adventure of Grief: Dr Geoff Warburton at TEDxBrighton 

Everything around them is still there, dealing with sudden loss | Marieke Poelmann |TEDxUtrecht

The three secrets of resilient people | Lucky Hone | TEDxChristchurch

What It’s Like to Lose Someone to Suicide 

How to live after your soulmate has died | Michelle Thaller

Grief Expert Julia Samuel on the Secret to Coping With Death | Lorraine

Why We Don’t “Move On” from Grief | MedCircle

How Grief Affects Your Brain And What To Do About It | Better | NBC News

6 Things Nobody Tells You About Grief

* Please note: the resources provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice. We do not verify or endorse the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of these resources. If you or someone you know is experiencing severe emotional distress, please consult a mental health professional or call Reach Out 24/7 at 519-433-2023.