We’re Moving…
Dear members, Effective mid-February our office will no longer be located at 571 Wharncliffe Rd S. I realize this announcement may come as a shock to some - especially those who spent time at the Wharncliffe Rd office. It really has been more than an office, but a...
Holding Space: What might it mean to hold space for ourselves in our grief?
By Cheryl Wituik BA, BSW RSW - Program Coordinator at BFO-SW You may have heard the term “holding space” in conversations with others, perhaps you’ve seen it in a book or article, or it might have been something your therapist mentioned, if you’ve ever been in...
Grieving and the Audacity of Spring
Spring is here. Slowly and gently you’ve likely noticed more bird song, more green beneath your feet, leaves and early flowers pushing through the warming soil in your gardens, and trees dotted with buds, soon to reveal delicate leaves and colourful blossoms.
To All Those Grieving the Death of a Loved One as a Result of Substance Use
The grief experienced after someone you care about dies as a result of substance use can be complicated. Others might be making you feel that the grief you are expressing as a result of the death is somehow not as valid because of the way they died.