Grief is not a linear process. It’s a deeply personal journey that looks different for everyone. Some days, you may feel like you’re moving forward; other days, the weight of loss can feel just as heavy as the first.

💔 Myths About Grief:

You should be “over it” by now.
✔️ Grief has no timeline. Healing is not about “getting over” loss, but learning to live with it.

Grief follows five clear stages.
✔️ While stages of grief exist, they don’t happen in order—and you may experience them multiple times.

If you’re not crying, you’re not grieving.
✔️ Grief shows up in many ways—emotionally, physically, and even spiritually. Everyone processes it differently.

💙 What Helps?

🌿 Give yourself permission to grieve in your own way.
🫂 Lean on your support system—whether friends, family, or a grief support group.
📝 Express your emotions through writing, art, or other creative outlets.
🐾 Find comfort in nature, movement, or even a beloved pet’s presence.

📅 Take it one day at a time. Some days will be harder than others. Be patient with yourself as you navigate this journey.
🤝 Seek professional support if needed.
💜 Remember: Healing doesn’t mean forgetting. Your love and memories remain, even as you learn to live with loss.

No matter where you are in your grief, know that you are not alone. 💜