Dear members,

Effective mid-February our office will no longer be located at 571 Wharncliffe Rd S.

I realize this announcement may come as a shock to some – especially those who spent time at the Wharncliffe Rd office. It really has been more than an office, but a home, for Bereaved Families and its members for so many years.

In the months ahead our team will be working remotely from individual locations as we expect that providing support through phone calls and virtual support groups will be common place for the foreseeable future.

As time progresses, and the future of in-person contact is more certain, we will look at once again reviewing our office and meeting space arrangements.

As some may know, our landlord for all of these years has been the London Home Builders Association who have always been very generous with our rental agreement.

This past fall, London Home Builders Association made the decision to sell their units – including the one Bereaved Families occupied – that are located in the building at 571 Wharncliffe Rd S. Subsequently, our unit has been sold.

Although plans are coming together for the move, it does take time to make arrangements, pack and organize – especially during a pandemic, and we appreciate your patience at this time as we transition.

A few notes:

Our mailing address has been updated to a PO Box & a forwarding service will be applied to our Wharncliffe address.

Our new mailing address is:
Bereaved Families of Ontario – Southwest Region
PO Box 22067
London, ON N6A 6H8

Our phone number 519-686-1573 will not change although there may be some delays late January to early February answering messages as this service moves.

The books in the Darren Walsh Memorial Library will be stored, and as time allows we will be reviewing these materials and determining how to move forward with these in the future.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected] or a leave a message for me at 519-686-1573.

Susan Ratz
Executive Director